New Hope Food Hub
Online Farmer's Market
Imagine a year-round weekly Thursday evening Farmers' Market north of Delton, MI...
Imagine that you can find Organic products, non-GMO products, fresher-than-grocery-store products, and locally & sustainably produced products at that Farmers' Market...
Imagine buying many of those products for lower prices than you'd find at Walmart...
Imagine supporting small business growth and local job growth in your own community...
Now... imagine that you can browse and shop that Farmers' Market online from any mobile device or computer at the time of your choosing. And... every week you can place an order (by 11pm on Wednesday) that's ready for pickup on Thursday at 6pm.
That's pretty much what New Hope Food Hub is. While we'll likely have a farm stand set up on location in the warmer months, we're an online Farmers' Market. We'll be adding local vendors, and our vendors will continue to add products. Some products will be seasonal, and some will be available year-round.
Keep checking back to see our new product offerings.
Click to get started: New Hope Food Hub's Online Store